The Q'Straint news blog

Q’STRAINT Inclusion Swing-Set Renovation Project
Q’STRAINT Helping all Bright Horizon Students Regain Their FunRead more

Q’STRAINT Wheelchair Securement Equipment a Life Saver for North Dakota Flood Victims
QRT helps to rescue senior living residents trapped by floodRead more

Dan Allison visits Q’STRAINT to bring Home the First Q’MANITARIAN Award
Dan Allison, 2019 Q’manitrian, visits the Q’STRAINT offices to accept his awardRead more

NAPT Selects Winner for the Q’STRAINT/Sure-Lok Special Needs Transportation Award
Therese Pelicano is the winner of the 2019 NAPT AwardRead more

Q’STRAINT & Sure-Lok Announce the Winner of Inaugural Q’MANITARIAN Award
Dan Allison is the winner of the QSL inaugural Q’MANITARIAN Award.Read more