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QPOD’s patented 3-point system and integrated restraints make securing wheelchair passengers quicker and easier than ever before.

While other transit wheelchair securement stations merely comply with ADA requirements, Q’POD delivers a complete solution featuring unmatched technology and multiple seating options.

Integrated wheelchair securement Station

Integrated wheelchair securement Station
The Q’POD Nation
AC Transit (CA)
Albuquerque (NM)*
Ann Arbor (MI)
Brampton (ON)*
Bradenton (FL)
Butler County (PA)
Calgary (AB)*
Canton (OH)
Cincinnati (OH)*
Cleveland (OH)*
City of Norwalk
Cocoa (FL)
Dallas (TX)*
Detroit (MI)*
Des Moines (IA)
Eau Claire (WIS)
El Paso (TX)*
Fargo (ND)
Fresno (CA)
Flint (MI)
Grand Rapids (MI)
Green Bay (WIS)
Honolulu (HI)*
Humboldt County (CA)
King County (SEA)*
Kingston (ON)
Kitsap (WA)
Lansing (MI)
Leduc (QC)
Lethbridge (AB)
Lexington (KY)
Long Beach (CA)
Louisville (KY)
Marta (GA)
Medicine Hat (AN)
Miami (FL)*
Milwaukee (WIS)*
St. Paul (MINN)*
Missoula (MT)
Moorhead (MINN)
Muncie (IN)
Napa (CA)
Nashville (TN)
New Orleans (LA)*
Orange County (CA)*
Oakville (ON)
Pace (CHI)
Peoria (IL)
Pierce Transit (WA)
Regina (SK)
Rochester (NY)
Rock Island (IL)
San Antonio (TX)*
San Diego (CA)*
San Francisco (CA)*
Santa Clara (CA)
Sacramento (CA)
Salem (OR)
Santa Monica Bbb (CA)
Sarasota (FL)
Savannah (GA)
Sound Transit (WA)*
St. Albert (QC)
St. Catherine’S (ON)
St. John (NB)
St. Petersburg (FL)
Tulsa (OK)
Valley Transit (ID)
Waukesha (WIS)
Windsor (ON)
*Cities featuring over 100 Buses equipped with Q’POD
North America’s most popular solution for forward-facing securement.
…and the list keeps growing.
“With Q’POD, the securement process has improved one hundred percent. I can honestly say that since we started using them, I have zero complaints from my drivers. They love it.”
–Larry King, Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) General Manager
Q’POD features & details

Integrated Wheelchair Securements
All of Q’POD’s lap, shoulder, and self-tensioning rear belts are fully enclosed in the system and located in easy-to-reach locations. In addition to reducing tripping hazards and the potential for vandalism, they are precisely positioned for the proper securement angles every time.

Patented 3-Point Technology
Ditch the 4th securement point. Q’POD’s unique 3-point system is an industry first. It’s not only the fastest way to secure a wheelchair passenger, but the safest. Q’POD’s integrated stabilizing bumper acts as the 4th contact point, improving lateral stability and greatly reducing the chance of wheelchair tip-overs.

Universal Design
Q’POD secures virtually any wheelchair or scooter – no more guesswork; and a smartly placed front tensioning securement ring makes securing difficult mobility devices a breeze. The simplified operation adds up to quicker securement and reduced vehicle dwell time.

QPOD’s all-new front side tensioner enables the securement of wheelchair passengers with more ease and convenience than ever before. The compact and ergonomic design also includes many great features such as: over-torque protection, a visual lock indicator, custom webbing, replaceable components, and a built-in scooter ring.

Xpress Delay
Easy-to-reach delay system allows drivers to unlock rear restraints for 15 seconds to adjust the wheelchair for better positioning. The remote release minimizes bending and physical strain for drivers, reducing back injuries and improving the overall experience for both passenger and operator. Available in integrated electric configuration or in a fully mechanical (no electricity required) Velocity-Xpress option.

Flip Seats & Fabric Options
Q’POD features specially designed slim profile flip seats which can accommodate today’s wider wheelchairs in a smaller footprint. Q’POD is available in a neutral display or can be integrated with your choice of seating fabric options. Contact us or your seating manufacturer for more information today.
Reduce Liability
Most systems promise to lower your liability, but Q’POD is the only system proven to make it happen. With stress-free hookups, ample wheelchair spacing, and all the right equipment in the right place, Q’POD gives you the tools to reshape how your fleet performs wheelchair securement.
Standardize Training
As a standalone system, Q’POD allows your operators to have one, consistent standardized training method. Q’POD eliminates procedural variation and gives drivers the peace-of-mind of knowing exactly what to expect no matter which bus they drive.
Zero Installation Issues
Q’POD is the first fully integrated wheelchair station that can simply be bolted into your bus. No more bulky custom brackets or accessories, no more vehicle or product modifications needed. New fleet or retrofit, the experts at Q’STRAINT have installed thousands of Q’PODs across the nation.
Lower Idle Time
Q’POD is far-and-away the fastest way to secure a wheelchair passenger. The same procedure applies to every size and make of mobility device, eliminating time consuming guesswork and speeding up the journey for all passengers.
Overall Dimensions
Station Footprint:
Approximately 62″W x 48″H
Barrier Only:
Approximately 32″W x 48″H
Total Unit Weight
253 lbs.
(depending on options)
Fully ADA Compliant
49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 571.302
– Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Flammability of Interior Materials.
49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 38
– Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 571.210
– Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards; Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages.
9 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 571.209
– Federal Motor Vehicles Safety Standards; Seat Belt Assemblies.
Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles
– Subpart B- Buses, Vans and Systems

Q’POD meets Buy-America requirements.

A Closer Look
Q’POD in the Wild
Some of the top transit agencies from across the US and Canada reveal how Q’POD helps them achieve their goals. Bus drivers, mobility riders, bottom-line executives…everyone agrees: Q’POD delivers more ‘real-world’ benefits than any other forward-facing system.
“The potential benefits we had hoped for have proven to be real, and our operators are very pleased we made the change. The Q’POD system has helped to improve customer safety and eased the challenges of securing mobility devices.”
–Jim Wilhelm, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Senior Mechanical Engineer.
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