Powering the next generation of wheelchair passenger safety
Launched in 2014, Q’STRAINT’s research and development facility leads the industry in product innovation. The iQ Center aims to continually develop smart, technology-driven solutions for wheelchair passenger safety and accessibility.
Technology & Innovation
Relentless Testing
We promise an unmatched commitment to excellence, running rigorous testing and comprehensive product inspections.
Crash Simulations
In our continual efforts toward quality control, we conduct our own crash simulations on-site at the iQ Centre.
Product Research
Our state-of-the-art technology allows us to study, test and certify new products, bringing them to market quicker than ever before.
The Amazing HYGE™ Crash Simulator
The HYGE™ accelerator sled is capable of reproducing crash conditions simulating a vehicle impact in excess of 60 mph. The sled test can deliver a whopping 225,000 pounds of thrust (equivalent to a modern jet fighter); and is capable of handling in-vehicle tests up to 2.25 tonnes; acceleration to of 60gs and speeds of 66 mph in 0.1 seconds!
Watch an iQ Crash Test

“Thank you for a most enjoyable visit to the iQ.
You guys set the bar really high!”
-The ISO Committee, ISO.org