Fixed Securement Anchorages
Oval L-Pockets: Small, discreet anchorage that sits on the floor surface.
Flush L-Pockets: Recessed anchorage ideal for modern composite floors.
Covered L-Pockets: Recessed anchorage featuring a cover that keeps it clear of debris.
Vehicle Applications:
School Bus, City Bus, Coach Bus, Rail, Community Transport, Minivan, WAV
Regional Availability:
The 3 Variants of L-Pockets:
![L-pocket flush](https://www.qstraint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/lpocket-flush.jpg)
![Flush L-POCKET®](https://www.qstraint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/flush-lpocket-logo.png)
![L-pocket oval](https://www.qstraint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/lpocket-oval.jpg)
![Oval L-POCKET®](https://www.qstraint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/oval-lpocket-logo.png)
![L-pocket covered](https://www.qstraint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/lpocket-covered.jpg)
![Covered L-POCKET®](https://www.qstraint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/covered-lpocket-logo.png)
![OMNI Badge of Approval](https://www.qstraint.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/omni-approved-badge.jpg)
OMNI APPROVED L-Track, Slide ‘N Click and L-Pocket Anchorages can now be used with both Q’STRAINT & SURE-LOK retractors!*
Designed for agencies that require total flexibility in a mixed-brand environment, OMNI approved anchorages take the guess work out of securing your passengers. Just look for the OMNI Approved badge to know which anchorages are compatible with both Q’STRAINT and SURE-LOK systems.
*IMPORTANT: All 4 retractors in a 4-point securement must be either Q’STRAINT or SURE-LOK — never mix brands. OMNI anchorages are strictly tested and certified to be used with approved Q’STRAINT and SURE-LOK systems. Other non-approved systems should never be used with OMNI anchorages.
L-Pockets Features & Details
Flush L-Pocket
The Flush L-Pocket is the a recessed L-Track pocket with a single bolt design. Designed to recess only 3/8” (9.5mm) the pocket is ideal for modern composite floors and features sweeping guides on each side to allow for easy cleaning.
Oval L-Pocket
The sleek design of the Oval L-Pocket minimizes tripping and interference with wheelchair casters. Side L-Track guides keep your tie-down fittings centered and secured. A single bolt installation and surface mount design eliminates the need to modify flooring surfaces.
Covered L-Pocket
The Covered L-Pocket is a recessed L-Track anchorage that works with most typical floor applications of 1/2” (13mm) and stays free of debris when not in use. An integrated magnet securely holds the hinged cover in the closed position and installation requires just two bolts.
Fixed Securement
All 3 versions of L-Pockets can be installed in any vehicle application, providing permanent anchorage points in virtually any environment.
OMNI Approved
You can use L-Pocket Anchorages with all Q’STRAINT QRT-Series Retractors as well as all SURE-LOK Retractors.
Maximum Durbaility
Every L-Pocket Anchorage is made from cast steel for maximum strength and corrosion resistance.
L-Pockets Meet or exceed the following standards and regulations:
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) –
“Accessibility Specifications for Transportation Vehicles”
Applicable NHTSA Federal Motor Vehicles Safety Standards
RESNA Vol. 4, Sec.18 Formerly SAEJ2249 – Recommended Practice –
Wheelchair Tie-down and Occupant Restraint Systems for use in Motor Vehicles
ISO 10542 – Technical Systems and Aids for Disabled or Handicapped Persons –
Wheelchair Tie-down and Occupant Restraint Systems
Canadian Standard Association (CSA) –
“Mobility Aid and Occupant Restraint (MASOR) systems”
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