notre mission
Rendre la Sécurité Accessible
Nous croyons que tous les passagers en fauteuil roulant méritent d’avoir accès au même niveau de sécurité que ceux qui les entourent. Grâce à la recherche et au développement, à l’ingénierie et au soutien, et à la fourniture de solutions innovantes, nous pouvons Rendre la Sécurité Accessible.
notre promesse
Penser au-delà de la sécurité
Cette promesse s’étend dans nos zones d’opération et d’influence. En tant que fournisseur de solutions de sécurité des passagers en fauteuil roulant les plus fiables au monde, Penser au-delà de la sécurité signifie également que nous allons:
Penser au-delà de la qualité:
Penser au-delà des tests:
Penser au-delà des normes:
Penser au-delà de la formation:
Penser au-delà des produits:
Notre histoire
Comment les passagers en fauteuil roulant peuvent-ils être sécurisés dans les véhicules?

Dans les années 1970, une équipe d’étudiants et de spécialistes de l’Université Queen’s en Ontario, au Canada, a tenté de trouver la réponse.
Leurs recherches ont démontré que les passagers en fauteuil roulant ont des besoins de sécurité uniques nécessitant des solutions de sécurité uniques qui, à l’époque, n’existaient pas. L’équipe de recherche a donc développé le premier système de protection des passagers en fauteuil roulant à 4 points entièrement intégré au monde. Q’STRAINT a été le premier à introduire ce système innovant dans l’industrie mondiale du transport.
Aujourd’hui, Q’STRAINT continue de s’appuyer sur cette tradition d’innovation, poursuivant sa mission de fournir un accès sûr à tous en développant des solutions de sécurité des passagers en fauteuil roulant de la plus haute qualité au monde.
Les événements marquants de l’entreprise
« The Q’Straint QRT System is one of the best additions that we have made to our buses. This revolutionary idea has given our drivers the ability to properly secure our passengers without exposure of personal injury to themselves. »
« Our bus was involved in a collision… our bus sustained damages in excess of ,000; the three wheelchair passengers secured with Q’Straint did not move. Thank you for a superior product in a day when mediocrity is the norm. »
« I believe there is not a better system available on the market today. »
« The QRT Deluxe restraint system provides our drivers with more efficiency and dramatically reduces time securing our wheelchairs passengers. »
« The QRT Deluxe Retractor System that Q’Straint provided for our wheelchair lift equipped coaches has been well received by our drivers and passengers. »
« The passengers and operators like the system since it is so easy and fast to use. In fact operators have wondered why we haven’t installed them on the entire fleet yet. »
« By using the Q’Straint retractable securement system with floor pockets and L-track fitting sets… the system worked and was accepted by our drivers and passengers. »
« I’d like to thank you once more for your hospitality during our stay last week. We were really amazed with the level of professionalism, state of the art equipment and the deep knowledge which exists at Q’straint. Your IQ testing facility will substantially ease our test planning in the future and also reduce the cost of testing on our side. »
« I got the bus off the road. All I could think of were my kids. I ran to the back of the bus to check on them. They never budged an inch thanks to Q’Straint. »
« After researching every brand of wheelchair tie-down system available in the U.K., and some abroad, we are of the opinion that Q’Straint is the most user friendly of them all. »
« The drivers love the QRT and wish they could have had them installed sooner! Thanks again! »
« …As she and her technician ran back to check the children, they were very delighted to see that the Q’Straint system had held every child in place with NO injuries. We would just like you to know how much we appreciate your product. »
« The combined speed of the two vehicles, according to the California Highway Patrol, was 100 mph… I owe my life to this restraint system, and I just wanted to thank you. Keep up the good work. Needless to say, my new van will be equipped with Q’Straint. »
« Your company may have very well saved my life, and for that I sincerely thank you… »
« I would thoroughly recommend the QLK to any family who need a safe, reliable solution for securing a wheelchair using relative or child in a vehicle. »
« I had a Q’Straint QLK-150 installed in my 1995 Ford Van last year, which I’m proud to say it did its job on May 8, 2014 when I wrecked my van when I was headed home from work. The van went in the ditch, I hit three trees then flipped over on the driver side and landed up against the fourth tree. The Q’Staint QLK-150 held my power chair secured in the van. Thankfully, I was not injured and nobody else was involved in this crash. »
« I have often found myself nearly tipping over in my manual wheelchair when a bus has taken a corner a bit sharpish…This bus could have driven a slalom course and I would have remained exactly where I was. I felt completely safe and secure and I had no need to hang on. »
« I attended Q’Straint’s National Training Securement Seminar, and from the time I arrived to the time I left, I can say one thing: Q’Straint is 1st class all the way! »
« Wow, what a thorough and professional job by everyone at Q’Straint. »
« Once again I wanted to express my appreciation to everyone at Q’Straint for the wonderful seminar. »
« For someone new to this industry, I felt all of the information and staff were great. I really learned a lot and know the support will be available anytime I have a question. »
« It’s nice to know that Q’Straint really cares about our clients by making first class products and working with the manufacturers to develop standards that put the safety of our clients and drivers first. »
« This seminar was well worth the trip – awesome. Your hospitality was outstanding. »
« Both of the instructors that TransLink sent found the course extremely informative and were very happy to be a part of it. »